We would all love to have that one job, that ticks all the boxes, right? But have you ever really asked yourself what it is that you're looking for in a job?
Honestly speaking, there really is no right answer to the question “what do you look for a job?”.
When an employer asks you what you look for in a job, they are not necessarily looking for a particular answer.
It’s just one of the tactics employers ask to learn what your priorities are, what motivates you, and why you choose to join the company.
Ask yourself: what do I want in my next job?

Of course, salary is one of the reasons. And the other nitty-gritty like benefits, working hours, or job location.
But that’s not all. While the pay carries a lot of weight of what you’re looking for, other factors come into play too.
So, when you develop your answer, remember to keep these three important things in mind.
- Be authentic. Think about the factors that are really important to you in a job, don’t just recycle standard replies you find online.
- Be professional. Every answer you give should be about your ability to be a good employee.This is not the right place to talk about your personal goals.
- Back up your answers.Make sure you are ready to engage in a discussion about the points you make.
If you’re still wondering whether the job is right for you, try looking past the paycheck. While salary is important, it doesn’t guarantee your happiness at work.
Here are six things to consider while you weigh the pros and cons of that new position.
1. It is something you love doing
The old saying is quite true. “Find a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”
Being passionate about your job will help you feel fulfilled and make it easier to get up for work every day.
When the role is meaningful to you, you are more inspired to do your best. Don’t focus solely on the paycheck, because that wears off real fast.
2. It challenges you to grow
So you have adapted to your workload and got into a routine. What’s next?
You may even ask yourself: How can I continue to grow in my role? How can I challenge myself that would lead me to my next promotion?
If you want to further your career, look for opportunities that teach you transferrable skills to help you move into a senior position.
Any job that gives you room for continued growth will not only help you thrive internally, but also make you more marketable if you ever leave.
No matter how comfortable you are, always seek opportunities for better career development.

3. Your colleagues are nice
Nothing affects the office culture more than your co-workers.
Your future colleagues are going to be a huge part of your life, try to get to know as many of them as possible before accepting your job offer.
Pay attention to how they interact with each other. Ask questions about the working environment. Make sure that the people you’re working with are the right fit for you.
After all, having co-workers you get along with is key to being happy at your job.
4. You are appreciated and valued
Who doesn’t like praise and recognition for a job well done? And it is especially crucial in your working life.
When you’re looking for a job, find out how employers encourage their employees and reward their hard work. Ask questions along the way to learn if the company gives out incentives including bonuses, yearly trips, and awards.
You wouldn’t want to work with someone who doesn’t value your effort. The people you work with should make you feel valued and support you to learn and improve.

5. Positive company culture
It can be hard for you to figure out before you actually start working, but you should ask yourself a few questions to help decide whether the company’s culture is the right fit for you.
Would you prefer to work in a small or a large company? Is the working environment relaxed or formal? Does the management team inspire you? What’s the dress code like? Are the people welcoming and friendly?
Many companies list cultural fit as one of the main criteria when interviewing candidates, and it is something you should be aware of when considering a new opportunity.
6. You have a work-life balance
As much as your job pays your bills, you should also consider if the job you take allows you to have a life outside of work.
Ask your potential employer about their policies on paid time off, sick days, and the flexibility to work from home.
If you're a working parent or one of your responsibilities is caring for an elderly at home, ask about the company's policy on leaving work early in case of emergencies.

Are you ready for your next job search?
Whether you’re on your first job search or third, finding a company that will provide you great opportunities will need some research.
With all of these tips, the next time someone asks you what you want from a job, you'll have a dozen answers that go beyond the salary itself.